International Surveys in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The implementation of international surveys may seem very easy when all procedures are summarized and explained in ten steps as shown in the video, but each of these steps has several goals, activities, procedures and standards that should be followed in the overall...
Activities within the EQET SEE regional project /improving the quality of education
In accordance with the cooperation agreement, as a local partner of the EQET SEE project, the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 strives in continuity to implement the undertaken obligations and activities at the...
TIMSS and ICILS Items Scoring Process Completed
The selected scorers, under the guidance of the supervisor and coordinator for the TIMSS 2023 and ICILS 2023 study in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have successfully completed the scoring process. The entire process was realized in accordance with the set rules and...
Candidates trained for the TIMSS 2023 scoring process
Reliability and validity of scoring the constructed response items is critical to the quality of the assessment results. To ensure reliability within and across countries in the scores assigned to students’ responses, the students’ responses to these questions must be...