In accordance with the cooperation agreement, as a local partner of the EQET SEE project, the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2023 strives in continuity to implement the undertaken obligations and activities at the regional and BiH level.

Within the first component of the EQET SEE project (VET component), the activities on the development of the occupational standard of Agricultural technician of organic and conventional production, the qualification standard of Agricultural technician of organic and conventional production and the occupational standard of Locksmith were fully implemented.

The development of the Locksmith qualification standard is underway at the BiH level, which is implemented upon the development of the regional framework standard for the Locksmith qualification.

As part of regional activities, being developed are the guidelines with examples for the implementation of the teaching and training process in accordance with the developed standards. Activities are underway at the regional level that will connect the first and second components of the project for the development of criteria for the evaluation of WBL (work-based learning).

As part of the second project component: Improving the quality of education the development of the Competence Standard for external evaluators was completed and a questionnaire was created to assess the required training of external evaluators.

In the process is creation of a document that consolidates practices in the field of external evaluation in the European Union and the countries of the region. The document will enable the countries of the region to improve certain phases of the external evaluation process using the offered examples of good practice.

–  More about the EQET SEE project at link