26.03.2019 | News, News
The first meeting of the PISA 2021 National Research Coordinators was held in Vienna from 18 to 22 March 2019. Representatives of 88 countries, including a representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, had the opportunity to get acquainted with the PISA 2021 research...
20.03.2019 | News, News
A representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina participated in the TIMSS 2019 6th National Research Coordinators Meeting held on 10 – 14 March 2019 in Limassol, Cyprus. There were participants from over 60 countries included in TIMSS 2019 study. The aim of the...
24.12.2018 | News, News
Agency for Pre- Primary, Primary and Secondary Education wishes you happy holidays and a successful New Year!
20.12.2018 | News, News
The Academy of Central European Schools (ACES) announced a new call for projects to be implemented in 2019 and 2020. This way, youth organizations from Germany and the countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, as well as Israel, are invited to apply for...
18.12.2018 | News, News
The meeting of the PIRLS 2021 Coordinators from the Western Balkans countries was held 13-14 December 2018 in Bratislava. The meeting was hosted by the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) with attendee such as Andrea Netten, IEA...
14.12.2018 | News, News
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Agency for Pre-Primary and Secondary Education held was a gala conference: ‘Building Quality Education Together’ where presented were the Agency wide-ranging ten-year results and awarded were the letters of...