Cooperation of the Agency with the Institute for Education Quality and Evaluation of the Republic of Serbia
With the support of the IEA and in cooperation with the partners from Serbia, representatives of the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education attended a two-day training in Belgrade from June 30 to July 1, 2022, The director of the Institute for...
Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning Outcomes in Inclusive Education
On June 16, 2022 held was an online meeting of experts, to draft the Guidelines for the implementation of learning outcomes in inclusive education, with the project manager Ms. Marija Naletilić, head of the Agency CCC Development Unit. At the meeting, presented were...
Guidelines and Proposals for Improving (Impact) the External Evaluation of Institutions in Southeast Europe and The Republic of Moldova
During March and April 2022, within the project: Improving the quality of education and training in Southeast Europe and Moldova (EQET SEE, quality assurance component), a series of meetings were held in organization of the ERI SEE network. The document: Guidelines...
Training on Data Management and Evidence-Based Policy Making
The training on Data Management and Evidence-Based Policy Making organized within the project: Improving the Quality of Education and Training (EQET SEE) was held on 12 and 13 April 2022 in Podgorica. More than 30 relevant participants from quality assurance...