Training of Test Administrators Completed!

Training of Test Administrators Completed!

In line with the adopted planned activities, the Agency has successfully completed the training of external partners who will assume the role of school coordinators and test administrators for the coming TIMSS 2023 and ICILS 2023 assessments in the sampled schools!...
6th TIMSS 2023 NRC Meeting

6th TIMSS 2023 NRC Meeting

The  Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education, along  with representatives of about 60 countries involved in the TIMSS 2023 survey, participated in the 6th TIMSS 2023 NRC meeting on February 26 – March 3 2023 in Prague. The aim of the meeting was to...
Improving the Quality of Preschool Education

Improving the Quality of Preschool Education

The Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education held a round table: Improving the Quality of Preschool Education – Recommendations from International Surveys in Education in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina on December 8, 2022 in...
Student Achievement Standards for Engineering and IT Developed

Student Achievement Standards for Engineering and IT Developed

The standards of student achievement for the area of engineering and IT technology are a new contribution of the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education to improving the quality of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The entire process of defining...
Activities within the EQET SEE Regional Project

Activities within the EQET SEE Regional Project

The Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a local partner of the EQET SEE project. As part of the first component of the EQET SEE project (VET component), the occupational standard for Agricultural technician of organic...