Building Quality Education Together
On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Agency for Pre-Primary and Secondary Education held was a gala conference: ‘Building Quality Education Together’ where presented were the Agency wide-ranging ten-year results and awarded were the letters of...
The last methodological training of experts for the implementation of CCC
The sixth meeting of the working group for methodological training of experts for the implementation of CCC defined on learning outcomes into existing curricula was held on 3 – 4 December 2018 in Sarajevo. The WG members have been trained on all phases of...
The Common Core Defined on Learning Outcomes in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The common core defined on the learning outcomes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the basic document for determining the development of educational systems in Bosnia and Herzegovina from pre-school to the end of secondary education, was presented to the public at...
Closing Conference of EPALE Project in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education organized the closing conference of the EPALE project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conference was held on 13 – 14 November 2018 in Bijeljina with the participation of over sixty representatives of...