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The Process of Scoring the TIMSS 2019 Constructed Response Items Completed
The international survey TIMSS 2019 was administered in period 21.05. – 13.06. 2019. in primary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The survey included 178 primary schools, 336 classes and more than 6,000 fourth-grade pupils. Upon the TIMSS 2019 main survey...
Meeting of the Inter-institutional Working Group on Quality Management
The Inter-institutional Working Group on Quality Management (IWGQM) met on 22 May 2019 in Sarajevo, to agree on the principles of future work and cooperation. An overview of the current activities and the implementation of the IWGQM Operational Plan on Quality...
TIMSS 2019 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
International study,TIMSS 2019 (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) will begin on May 21, 2019, and will include a representative sample of 6,000 fourth-grade students from 178 primary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina! The research will be carried...