05.11.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+
Register for the Fifth Regional EPALE Conference “Improving adult digital competences for better access to learning opportunities”. Foundation Tempus – Serbian EPALE NSS, in coordination with EPALE NSS teams from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and...
28.10.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+, News, News
A two-day meeting: Continuation of ERASMUS + projects implementation by the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education was held on 21 – 22 October 2021 in Trebinje, within the EPALE project scheduled activities for 2019-2021 cycle in Bosnia and...
04.10.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+
Transitions – The Role of Adult Learning in Ensuring Inclusive and Sustainable Change EPALE Community is organizing an online conference entitled ‘Transitions – The Role of Adult Education in Ensuring Inclusive and Sustainable Change’. The...
24.09.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+
The NSS EPALE teams from the region held a round table on September 16 – 17, 2021 in Bijeljina. The two-day meeting was hosted by the EPALE National Support Team (NSS) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The round table was attended by members of the NSS EPALE teams...
12.07.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+, eTwinning, News, News
A working meeting of the Erasmus + project teams of the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education was held on 7 and 8 July 2021. The aim of the meeting was to plan joint activities, improve communication and interaction, as well as working relations, to...
11.06.2021 | EPALE, Erasmus+
The rapid technological developments and the ever-changing social conditions shape diverse communication dynamics that give rise to several challenges such as mal-/mis/dis-information, hate speech and propaganda. In this context, adult learning seems to be an...