The adult learning event gathered over 230 national government representatives, EPALE members, European stakeholders and representatives from the European Commission.  Conference was held on 15 and 16 October 2018 in Budapest, Hungary.

The aim of the event was to:

  • Gather participants’ views on how the European Agenda for Adult Learning and the EU programmes in this field could evolve after 2020;
  • Listen to stakeholders’ opinions on how they want to see EPALE develop in the medium term;
  • Provide attendees with ways of getting more involved in and promoting EPALE.

During the first day of the event, participants had the opportunity to take part in interactive polls and questionnaires on topics related to adult learning, ask questions during the panel discussion, learn about previous successful projects through EPALE, and be the first to learn about adult learning in the new Erasmus+ Programme.

The second day of the conference was dedicated to EPALE’s national support services where they discussed innovative ideas and made suggestions about how EPALE could develop over the coming years. The delegation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by four members.